During the meeting held on 21 December 2001 a decision was adopted which reads as follows:
"The Board of Directors of Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A., has unan imously agreed to set up an Advertising Poster Design Competition as a tribute to the artis t who was not only solely responsible for the design of the corporate image, but also been a friend, efficient collaborator and partner since the creation of the Company. The winning original will fo rm the basis for the Company’s advertising campaign for a two years period".
Terras Gauda Wineries and the Galician Tourism Bureau will collaborate in the awarding of these prizes. The Galician Tourism Bureau, aware of the tradition of this Biennial competition, believes that it is of great interest for promoting tourism in Galicia and, in particular, wine tourism.
Terras Gauda Wineries and the Vigo Port Authority are once again the proud sponsors of the enormous and prestigious communications project that the International Biennial Poster Design Terras Gauda - Francisco Mantecón Competition has become. In an effort to establish a permanent connection between the competition and the city of Vigo and Galicia, both parties have signed a collaborative agreement which will allow the Port of Vigo (one of the most important in the world) to serve as a biannual showcase for avant garde international art through the exhibition of the original Competition entries. The Port will also host meetings of the panel of judges and the award ceremony.
The following announcement is the fruit of this agreement:
This competition is open to any natural (+18) or corporate person subject only to the restrictions imposed by current legislation.
Each participant may present a maximum of two works, which must be previously unpublished. They may be created using any pictorial, photographic or computerized technique, etc. The subject is unspecified, although it should preferably reflect corporate aspects of the organizing entity, i.e., fundamentally in relation to its white Albariño wines: Terras Gauda and Abadía de San Campio. The originality of the creativity and the inclusión of the company’s logo will be highly valued. Terras Gauda Wineries will provide all designers who request it a vectored copy of the organization’s logo for use in the works being created, as well as images of their products. They are available at: www.terrasgauda.com and www.franciscomantecon.com
International submissions must specify on the package: No commercial value / For cultural use
The works are to be sent to: Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A.Estrada de Tui-A Guarda, km 55, O Rosal – 36760 / 36770 Pontevedra. All those works postmarked in the sender’s postoffice prior to 6 p.m. on April 29th will be accepted.
In order to avoid problems at Customs, exclusively for those participants who send in their poster(s) from countries that do NOT belong to the European Union, the organizers of the biennial competition offer the possibility to print them at the destination.
The winning works and all their rights will become the property of Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A., which also reserves the right to reproduce the works selected as finalists, citing the author and the year of the finalist. All posters presented will be added to the digital archive of the Biennial competition, whose organization is authorized to reproduce them, on a non-profit basis, in promotional supports or events exclusively linked to the competition. The winery will be entitled to acquire the rights to a non-prize winning work without any time limit, paying its author or heirs 50% of the amount of the runner-up prize in the year immediately preceding its purchase. Following the exhibition of the posters for a meeting of the judges, media outlets and the general public, they will be destroyed after the prize ceremony in order to ensure that they are not used for other purposes unrelated to the competition.
The jury of the International Biennial Poster Design Terras Gau da – Francisco Mantecón Competition 2024 will be chaired by José Mª Fonseca Moretón, Chairman of Bodegas Terras Gauda.
In addition, the panel of judges also includes:The judges’ decision is final and they hold sole responsibility for resolving any situation not contemplated in these rules an d conditions.
Terras Gauda Wineries shall award:
The judges may opt not to award any of the prizes. In this event, the corresponding prize money is to be donated to an organization that, in the opinion of the panel of judges, has made an outstanding social or cultural contribution to Galicia.
Status as a finalist and prize winner means the mandatory participation in the COMPETITION GALICIAN TOURISM-ADVERTISING IMAGE DESIGN TO PROMOTE THE “PRIMAVERA DE PORTAS ABERTAS NAS RUTAS DOS VIÑOS DE GALICIA” FOR THE EDITIONS OF THE YEARS 2025 AND 2026, endowed with 10,000€ in prizes.
The judge’s decision will be announced to the designers whose works are among the finalists on the days following their meeting and it will be made public at an event held before June 30, 2024, and at www.terrasgauda.com and www.franciscomantecon.com
For further information, please contact Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A Teléfono: +34 986 621 001 / +34 981 227 200 · Fax: +34 986 621 084 · E-mail: comunicacion@terrasgauda.com
As stipulated by Organic Law 15/1999, we inform you that your personal information will be included in a file, for which BODEGAS TERRAS GAUDA, S.A. is responsible. Their corporate address is: Carretera Tui A Guarda Km 55, 36760 O Rosal (Pontevedra). The purpose of this file is to process information from participants in contests organized by this company. We inform you that your information may be provided to the media in order to publicize participants and winners in contests we organize. If you so wish, you may exercise your right to access, rectify, cancel and object to this information by writing to the address indicated above, including a photocopy of your National Document of Identification.
The designers of the finalist and award-winning posters in the International Biennial Terras Gauda - Francisco Mantecón Competition 2024 previously selected by the panel of judges will take part in this competition.
The design of the advertising image to promote the “Primavera de Portas Abertas nas Rutas dos Viños de Galicia”, which is promoted by the Galician Tourism Bureau in collaboration with the Galician Associations of Wine Routes Monterrei, O Ribeiro, Rías Baixas, Ribeira Sacra and Valdeorras, for the purpose of promoting and contributing to the development of tourism in the five winegrowing regions of Galicia. In this action, visits to the wineries belonging to each of the Designations of Origin in Galicia are extremely important, as they contribute to sharing and promoting their activity.
All entries must be submitted in digital form, with sufficient resolution so that they can be printed in high-quality A3 (297 x 420 mm) format.
Saved in high resolution on a CD or a pendrive (readable on a PC), in an editable format: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or Freehand. They must also be submitted in JPG or PDF format for easier display
The design may be created using any computerized technique.
A maximum of two works may be presented per participant.
The design will be evaluated first and foremost according to the easy identification of the image with “Galician wine tourism” and the originality of the creativity.
Winners must provide their works in editable design formats for subsequent use in any promotional media decided upon by the Galician Tourism Bureau.
All designs must include the following logos: Tourism of Galicia, Xunta de Galicia, Rías Baixas Wine Route, Ribeiro Wine Route, Monterrei Wine Route, Ribeira Sacra Wine Route, Valdeorras Wine Route and Enoturismo Galicia. It will also carry the following text: Primavera de Portas Abertas. Additionally, the following references will be included in the poster: www.turismo.gal and #primaveradeenoturismo.
Participants can download all the logos in a vector system at www.turismo.gal, where they can also consult an informational file about this campaign that includes, among other things, the posters designe d for previous editions of the “Galician Wine Routes Open Door Sessions”.
To ensure the anonymity of the restricted competition participants, only the designer’s pseudonym should be written on the outside of the envelope, as well as the identification: “CONCURSO TERRAS GAUDA-TURISMO DE GALICIA”. This envelope must contain two other envelopes:
Designs may be submitted at the Registro de Turismo de Galicia, Carretera Santiago-Noia Km 3, A Barcia, 15897 Santiago de Compostela.
They may also be sent by certified mail to:
Turismo de Galicia (Estrada Santiago-Noia Km 3, A Barcia · 15897 Santiago de Compostela)
Works must be submitted before 2:00 pm on September 30, 2024
Award-winning designs and all their rights will become the property of the Galician Tourism Bureau, which guarantees that the rest of the entries will not be used,
except exclusively in any publication related to the competition.
Likewise, the Galician Tourism Bureau reserves the right to acquire any work, with no time limit, for an amount equal to any of the second prize amounts for the
year in which it has been entered in the competition, and according to the same conditions set out in paragraph 1 of the “conditions” section.
The panel of judges will be presided over by Mr. Xosé Manuel Me relles Remy, Director of the Galician Tourism Bureau.
Other members of the panel of judges include:The jury meeting will be held on October 11th at 11:00 AM at the Turismo de Galicia headquarters in Santiago de Compostela.
The Galician Tourism Bureau will award two prizes of equal importance and amount to two designs that are declared the winners by the panel of judges. In order for one of the designs to serve as an advertising image for the “Primavera de Portas Abertas nas Rutas dos Viños de Galicia” campaign in its 2025 edition and another of the designs as an advertising image for the 2026 edition, the Galician Tourism Bureau may request the winners to make the necessary graphic adaptations, depending on the edition for which their design is going to be used:
Winners will be announced on the following websites: www.turismo.gal, www.terrasgauda.com and www.franciscomantecon.com.
The Galician Tourism Bureau will contact the winners to formali ze the details of the awards presentation.
For more information, please contact the Galician Tourism Bureau.
Telephone: +34 981 957 063 | E-mail: rosa.leonor.garcia.ameal@xunta.gal